At the end of September 2014, I went to my first ever convention with a very close friend of mine. It was only a small convention, it was the first time that it had ever taken place, so I didn't feel too overwhelmed. But I loved it so much.
There were actually some really well known celebrities there. Chris Rankin who played Percy Weasley was there. Colin Baker, who was the sixth Doctor. Paul Blake who played Greddo in Star Wars. And many more. They were some of the nicest people that I've met and I found it really easy to talk to them and some of the other fangirls who were there.It really boost my confidence, although internally I was shaking and actually begging myself to go and hide loos or something. If I hadn't had one of my dearest friends there with me, who at times is even more shy than I, I probably would have just mumbled my way through the day.

But I couldn't do that, because I had to put on the face of someone who's brave and I spoke to some of the most amazing people ever!

I was able to ask questions about filming and just genuinely talk to these people who I still consider to be very famous. It was such an amazing experience.
But I also have to mention the best thing about the convention - minus the celebs of course. The merchandise available.
Next time I go to one of these conventions, I am definitely going to save up more money. There some completely amazing works of art, clothes, original props. I loved it!

I fell in love with a framed, original drawing of the map of Middle Earth, and if I'd had seen at the beginning of the day then I would have been able to buy because I had more than enough. Instead, me and my friend jumped at the prospect of meeting so many people, that we completely ignored the merch stalls. And because I spent money on autographs and photos, by the time I found this completely amazing piece of work. Well, I hadn't got enough money to buy it!

I'm still heart broken! I can see this beautiful frame in my head, and I keep dreaming that it's on my wall, but it isn't. It is somewhere else. Someone else is enjoying the view of it on their wall in their study or bedroom. It makes me sad!

If I get to go to a convention then I will most definitely make the effort to create an outfit and cosplay away. There were some people in the most amazing costumes. One being the Jack Sparrow who I have photo with up the top. He was completely in character, and was one of the best Jack Sparrow impersonation that I've ever seen. I thought he was Johnny Depp for a start! He was brilliant and absolutely hilarious when he fanboying at some of the celebs. It was brilliant! I want to impress people like and beginning able to act like a character would be brilliant if I'm honest.

I need to go another convention soon, Stoke Con Trent was amazing - far more amazing than their clever little pun - and I want to experience it again; somewhere different, bigger. A convention that has more beautiful celebs in! Can that happen please?

Book Total Of 2015 - 19
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