Title: Allegiant
Author: Veronica Roth
Number of Pages: 526
Genres: Romance, Science Fiction, Young Adult, Post Apocalyptic, Dystopian
Publisher: Harper Collins
Published: 22nd October, 2013
The Plot:
The faction-based society that Tris Prior and the rest of the people in the city have grown used to has been shattered - fractured by violent power struggles and scarred from the loss and betrayal that they have felt. But to make it worse, some else has been revealed to the people in the City. There is a world beyond the fences. Thinking that she and Tobias Eaton can find a simple new life together, free from the painful memories that the city holds.
But it appears that this new reality is even more alarming than the one they left behind. It turns out that being divergent is something to crave. Human nature is a complex thing; more complex than anyone could imagine. And through all of that, Tris has to continue making impossible decisions about courage, allegiance, sacrifice and love,
My Thoughts:
This book is a disappointment. Divergent I liked, Insurgent okay. But this was awful. I feel that in order to write this, Veronica had to rush. There are a thousand and one plot holes and all the character development went out the window. Oh and don't even get me started on the varying points of view. Every single bloody chapter switches between Tris and Tobias. Why do this? All the previous books have been told from Tris' point of view. We liked her so why the sudden change. Yes a lot of people understand why and I'm not going to spoil it for the people who have been living under a rock and have no clue what I'm talking about. But it would have been easier to just end it there instead of that crappy ending.
It took me almost two weeks to read this book and it's only 526 pages long. Usually I could read that in a week or maybe even less. It was because of the awfulness of this book that it took me so long. I knew that it was going to be bad, I've read a lot of reviews and been told by a lot of people how bad it is and they were not wrong. Maybe it's because of the hype of the series that I ended up being disappointed like the thousands of other readers. But the ending was bad. It was your typical yet not typical cheesy ending. The book was bad. After the shocking ending of Insurgent I had really high hopes but it was a real disappointment.
I really can't say much else about this book which is really annoying because I wanted to go into good detail about it; I'm trying to take reviewing more seriously and go into detail about it. But this was so bad that I can't really do anything. That makes me sad.
So if you haven't already guessed, I disliked this book a lot. It was a bad way to end the series and was actually really poorly written. That's why I'm giving it: **
Book Total of 2015: 46
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