Sunday, 15 March 2015

My reading routine

I don’t get a lot of chances to spend hours and hours reading now; oh the joys of doing a-levels!!!!! But when I do have no remaining work and I actually do have some free time, I do love to curl up and read.

My routine is not as complicated as most people make it out to be. I don’t do loads of stuff beforehand; I just do the things that make me happy, things that make me relax and enjoy my reading.

The first thing I do is pick my book. I have a lot of books; no idea how many there actually are but I have a lot of them. I probably should count them at some point. If I’m not already reading a book then I have to spend a lot of time debating internally about what I should read. It might be in the mood for something sci-fi or something romantic …. who knows what mood I’m in but it will likely take me a very very long time to decide what I want to read.

Next I have to decide where I want to read. In my room, in the lounge, in the garden – but only if the weather is nice, maybe in the conservatory when in it raining. It’s a hard decision but I usually end up reading in my room.

After that I have to make sure I’m wearing something comfy. If it’s boiling, then shorts and a strappy top. If it’s cold, then a baggy jumper and leggings. In the morning, a baggy top and pyjama bottoms. At night, a vest top and pyjama bottoms. Who knows what I’ll put on, but it has to be comfy.

Drink time! Recently I love to have a nice cup of tea with me when I read; it helps me rewind and I feel really British too. But sometimes it might just be some water or some juice. I need something there in case I suddenly choke on air … I’m serious … that has happened before.

Once my drink is ready, and I have quickly avoided the serious temptation that the devious biscuits and sweets have on me, I will make my reading space comfortable. If I’m in my room then I will put some music on. I have Spotify so I will find a ‘chill’ or ‘indie/alternative’ or ‘focus’ playlist and either loudly blast them out to the whole house, or have my headphones in and allow my subconscious to take over with my book and music on. Then I draw my curtains and put on my lamps. I can’t stand having my overhead lights on when I’m reading. It makes the room to bright and I feel like I’m in a hospital. But my little lamps have this soft texture to them that can really relax me. Pillows have to be propped up in the centre of the bed with a few cushions and teddies gathered round accordingly. Then there is one final thing, light a candle. I have several nice smelling candles in my room so having to choose between them is hard but once I get one lit and those scents waft around the room, I am finally able to relax.

Phone on silent, music on, book in hand, tea by my side, the perfect combination for a reader. All that’s left is to slide my headphones in my ear and allow words as pure as poetry to fill my mind and transport me somewhere else.

That is my reading routine. I took this from the Youtuber YA Bookworm Blogger. I know that this is supposed to be a video but who gives an actual damn! I wanted to share this with you, it was my choice so yeah … that’s why I did this.

Anyone want to share this too? I dare you! I don’t know anyone to really tag on here to do this but if you want to do this then go ahead!!!!


Book total of 2015: 15


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