On the 28th February 2015, on of the greatest Geeking Actors sadly passed away. His name was Leonard Nemoy, more commonly known as Spock and his passing has to be one of the saddest things in the world for me.

When I saw the hastag #RIPLeonardNemoy on twitter, I initally thought that it was a joke. There have been a lot of similar sick jokes like that going about but it turned out that it was actually true. That was something that I truly couldn't believe. Yes the man was 83 years old but he looked fairly young. I found myself believing that he would never die, he was too great too be lost. But he did.
It turns out that he had Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, which is a type of lung disease. I didn't even know that the man was ill; but he did reveal that he was ill publicly in February.

This is a man who was a geeky actor before it was socially acceptable, something that I have always loved and I will never be able to see Spock as anyone else.
The fact that #llap is still trending all these days later means a lot. It shows how much he was accepted by everyone and how loved he was; something that I bet is helping his family so much.
Live Long and Prosper where ever you are now, Leonard. Live Long and Prosper.
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