Title: The Drowning of Arthur Braxton
Author: Caroline Smailes
Number of Pages: 371
Genres: Contemporary Fiction, Fantasy
Publisher: The Friday Project
Published: 11 April, 2013
The Plot:
The Oracle is an old Victorian Bathhouse that is said to have water that can heal those who swim in it. There are various narratives who talk about the tales that have unfolded in this bathhouse. The first being a young girl called Laurel who was a receptionist who worked for the 'water-healers' in the 1990s.
Several years later, Arthur Braxton breaks in to the bathhouse in order to escape some of the guys from his school. In the now derelict Oracle, Arthur meets a beautiful girl who is swimming in one of the pools, completely naked. Delphina transforms his life and when the Oracle is threatened, Arthur is finally able to understand his true purpose in life: save the building and ensure that Delphina is happy.
It's not an easy ordeal to undertake and as he tries to save the Oracle, he begins to understand what is actually going on in the Oracle and who Delphina actually is.
My Thoughts On The Book:
I absolutely loved this book. Apparently it has been given the title of 'Urban Fairytale' and I can't think of anything better to call it. The style of the book, with its various narratives and the way that it is speaks so much about young love or true love or what ever you want to call it, whilst still mentioning modern issues like bullying; it is bloody amazing!
There were various narratives through out the book, and the few near the end of the book made me feel like they were actually talking to me. I truly believe that it was story telling at its finest. Each of there were two main narratives, Arthur and Delphina, and both of them were completely different. Arthur's was like his thought process whilst Delphina's was literally a manuscript for a play. Usually I wouldn't like this, but it really did seem to work for this book! And if I think that it'll work, then it definitely did work ... because in my mind only my opinion matters; obviously.
The one negative comment that I have to say about this book is that it did take me a while to get in to. The book starts with a segment of foreshadowing and this did put me off the book for a moment. But after about ten pages, I started to get into and by the time that we were in Arthur's narrative ... well, I was completely in love with the bloody thing. I'm really glad that I stuck with this book though, and didn't give up at the first hurdle. If you are one of those people, then just me keep going. It's one of the main reasons that I fell in love with it!
This is my publicly visible review of a book and so people might think that I am being generous. But I truly believe that this book is worth this!
Five out of five!
Do note that I want to create a reviewing system with symbols and stuff so that all this looks fancy and maybe I'll create a system too. Who knows.
That's it, my first review on here. No going back now! What do you think? Please tell me. Who's read this book? Who wants to read it? Please let me know. Also, any ideas on how I could improve these reviews? I know that a girl has to start somewhere, but it would mean a lot if I could get a bit of help!
I guess I lied when I said that I wouldn't be uploading anything else in March ... oops. There might be another one, but if not ... GOODBYE MARCH!
Book total of 2015 - 17
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